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조직의 업무 방식 개선을 위한 강의, 컨설팅을 제공합니다. 10명~ 규모 조직의 업무 방식을 진단 후 개선 방법과 함께 업무 호율 향상을 위한 교육, 워크샵, 컨설팅을 진행합니다. 노션, 구글 워크스페이스, 슬랙 뿐만 아니라 조직의 업무 환경에 맞는 다양한 협업툴을 제안합니다. 제공 서비스 • 업무 방식 효율성 진단 및 개선 • 업무 방식 개선 컨설팅 및 워크샵 • 기업 맞춤형 프로젝트 관리 템플릿 제작 • 기업 맞춤형 데이터 관리 템플릿 제작 • 기업 맞춤형 업무 효율 향상 강의 • 노션+외부 서비스 활용 페이지 제작(홈페이지, 블로그, 채용 공고, 게시판 등) • 기타 프로젝트
5.0 (5)
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Solutions Partner
Daniel Canosa from Systemify
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Daniel Canosa from Systemify

Systemify helps your company grow by auditing and creating your systems and automating processes. We use Notion and automation tools such as Zapier and Make.com. Over 4 years of experience and 65+ finished projects.
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Notion VIP by Nutt Labs
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Notion VIP by Nutt Labs

Nutt Labs uses next-generation tools to craft prosperous digital brands and streamline internal operations. William Nutt is a vanguard of the no-code movement and Notion's most acclaimed expert. • He's the creator of Notion VIP, the most widely referenced independent resource for Notion users. • He developed the Bulletproof methodology, which is Notion's most widely implemented framework and top-selling template. • His newest and comprehensive resource, Notion A-to-Z, has transformed the way users learn Notion. In fact, Notion uses it to train new members of its support team. • He also works directly for Notion on a variety of special projects. Most notably, he co-authored the official reference and now actively develops and manages the emerging Notion Certified program.
5.0 (1)
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We are a team of solution-oriented experts who collaborate together in order to develop efficient and intuitive digital ecosystems and automations to excel in the connected world by utilizing tools such as Notion and Make.com. We place equal focus on understanding individual, team, and organizational problems and use design thinking frameworks to challenge assumptions, overcome obstacles, and create unique and effective solutions. Services we offer: • Notion design + build • Notion website • Template creation • Individual and team training • Automation Tools we’re experts in: Notion | Make.com | Super.so | Slack | Asana | Tallyforms
5.0 (8)
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Solutions Partner
Elena Madrigal
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Elena Madrigal

I help companies, business owners and creative people design their workflows and knowledge management systems so they can think more clearly, make more fulfilling work and live a happier life.
5.0 (1)
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I'm a full-time Notion Certified Consultant, living in England and working with businesses and individuals all over the world. Whether you're looking for a custom build, automations, one-to-one coaching or help adopting my templates, I'm ready to help.
5.0 (6)
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Solutions Partner
Chloë Forbes-Kindlen
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Chloë Forbes-Kindlen

Hi, I’m Chloë I am a Scotland-based Notion Consultant here to help you architect a Notion workspace that can systemise and scale your business operations. You can learn more about my services here: https://chloeforbesk.com/consulting Tools I work with: Relay.app Consulting Partner | Zapier | Make | Miro | Figma | Google and more
5.0 (3)
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Die Schweizer Notion Expert:innen für dein Unternehmen. Bewährte Arbeitsmethoden und Ablagestruktur im Notion für mehr Freude und Produktivität in der Zusammenarbeit. Lass uns gemeinsam bei einem Kennenlerngespräch ☕️ herausfinden, ob Notion das richtige Tool für dich ist und wie wir dir helfen können. Wir unterstützen dich mit ✔️ Notion Beratung ✔️ Notion Trainings ✔️ Integrationen & Automatisierungen ✔️ Workspace Audits 🗓️📞 Buche jetzt auf der Webseite deinen Termin. www.notioneers.ch Beli freut sich auf dich.
5.0 (34)
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株式会社 TEMP は、Notion の新規導入支援・運用支援の事業を行っております。 <提供サービス> 1. Notion 新規導入支援 2. Notion 運用支援 3. Notion トレーニング ご依頼から最短1ヶ月で、Notion の運用を開始することが可能です。 導入支援をご希望の方は、コーポレートサイト内の問い合わせフォームよりご連絡ください。
5.0 (6)
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Solutions Partner
Matthias Frank Consulting
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Matthias Frank Consulting

Your partner for Notion & Operations Consulting in Europe. We help your team achieve Operational Excellence by combining Notion & No-Code Automations with Systems Thinking, Change Management and industry-specific best practices. We serve scale-ups, agencies and SMBs.
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Hidworks, llc.
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Hidworks, llc.

当社は認定経営革新等支援機関として、Notionを活用した事業者の支援を行っています。以下は具体的なサービスです。 1. 事業者向けのカスタムNotionテンプレートの製作&販売 2. Discordによるトレーニングスペースの運営 3. よりNotionを活用するための情報発信 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our company, as a certified business innovation support organization, provides support to businesses utilizing Notion. Our specific services include: 1. Creation and sale of custom Notion templates for businesses 2. Management of a training space on Discord 3. Dissemination of information to help businesses make better use of Notion
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